Welcome to the Grand illusion (part 3)… Lifting the veil

Life is the Drama that is covered by a veil.
If life is constant change then and there is no permanence then life is an illusion by definition. I can’t help thinking that we live in a real life drama put on and played out by or own thoughts, arranged in such a way that we fool ourselves into thinking it is reality and in this reality we create all aspects’ of our lives. But what if it was only a half truth or maybe not even a truth at all but a play which we are the main actor. The question of all things is what is really going on? Alan Watts would talk about tapestry and embroidery work that his mother used to repair and create. We see the beautiful work on the front but hide the back were the real workings are to produce the imagery on the front. The back would show how it was put together and give all the secrets away on how it was made. Likewise we do the same things; we always put forth our best but never let the true self be seen. The inner thoughts and secrets of who we are and what we are like which is the true self. Religion has set up part of this game called hide and seek as far as us playing our part and as well as every social function there is and this is always set up by a high ruling force that governs the people. That was the way it was set up at the time of Jesus the Christ. The Jewish leaders ruled by religion and the Romans were the government and the two will always go together and at this present time nothing has changed but the names.

The veil in which we live is the things we cannot see or touch IE, the realms of physical and non-physical. The Idea of God is such, I cannot see him as a person in whom we are lead to believe exists, but I can see the evidence of his existence in the world around me in which we call creation. God states he is the God of visible and non visible things. God also states he is the creator of good and evil. So is God a living or constant power we can connect with to create through this physical body? Moses was the only one that was able to see God and it change his physical appearance and in that being said God showed Moses his backside and I can see that Moses saw the back of the tapestry here as to say the inner workings of God.

I can say that if we start living in the belief of God as being the main power source of the universe and the intelligence behind it then our appearance changes too inwardly and outwardly. The scientist and people whom have spent billions on the large Hadron Collider to smash atoms have got to understand there is this power. Their hopes are to find the God partial. I have to think they are on to something that can change the world once found and if they are able to reproduce it. So if God is the main source of all power then we need to learn how to connect with it and be able to use it.
The atom is the main part of any particle and how it holds together through the electron. Electricity is used for many great things and we call this good but if it is used wrong then it can burn the house down, create other damage and in a sense evil. So the idea that God said he is the creator of good and evil this would fit this example. “This power, which is GOD, is to create” and it is throughout the cosmos. Is this what the scientists want and spent billions on?

We see and hear in just a small band of the frequency chart (again another veil) but there is so much more energy we don’t know about. I call this the mysteries of the” Veiled God”. We have been able to use microwaves to cook dinner and we have been able to use them as a weapon and create destruction. Radio and television waves bring us or favorite shows but are also use to penetrate our way of thinking. Was can see we are trying to understand gamma rays and cosmic rays that are out there in the universe and one day we will and learn how to harness this energy and find good and bad uses for it, for this is the nature of man to use God for his own folly and wickedness. (Let me insert my definition of evil which I see is,” To do any harm to another being for self gain or profit”).

The idea of a veil is to hide or cover something from plain view. Other things are hidden in plain sight but it is the same idea to camouflage or conceal. The hiding starts to bring curiosity and from that intrigue as to get our attention. The magician uses this trick to cover his trickery/magic which in a sense is an illusion to cover and create another illusion; this is the art of distraction to cover or veil what he is up to, so as to pull off his illusion. It is all to fool the mind and therefore is a deception. All a Magician is, is a great liar. Nothing he does is real but slight of hand or and illusion. Satan is called by Jesus the father of lies and here he fits into this idea as the father of illusions.

A new product that is on display maybe veiled until the right moment then pulled off to reveal its true identity and purpose of why we need it as humans. The strip teases and like dancers entices the senses and imagination without giving the show away and if they are willing and found a suitor for a price they may go into another room behind closed doors to veil their next actions. So it is with our inner minds, the more we go deeper into it, the thicker the veils which hide our intents and motives behind all our actions. This is where I have come to believe the soul is.

But in the idea of the post in the area of religion and moral issues didn’t we as the great actor in this drama of life now take on a new role to play? The role not as a sinner but now as a saint and in this start changing our actions to now show the change in role? Desire is what drives us forward. It is desire that builds the house of illusion we live in. It is desire that motivates our actions either through flesh or spirit. Some would call this acting out the desires of the flesh a sin as to giving into the flesh. Is that what this is all about, a battle between the flesh and the mind/spirit and who will be victorious? Kind of like the villain and hero, I can’t have one without the other because what are they to do if either one does not exist? Our makeup is like to ends of a magnet the North and the South Pole and these make the magnet work. Though it is one object in and of itself there is it’s duality at both ends. So are we flesh and spirit these are our pole ends and in ourselves these two must work together in balance to function properly.

We all have basic survival needs and the basic of all is to eat and have sex and then from that we begin to build our social structure around that and we fool ourselves into thinking this is not what we want. I would say the basic need for the soul is love we all want love and we try and find it in outer things and substance and in between the flesh and the soul/spirit we create the drama in or lives…everything we do and say are based from these things and we don’t want to admit it, so we cover it and hide behind it and the term is we hide behind the mask we wear as to veil or hide our face and now this is our persona. (A persona in the word’s everyday usage is a social role or a character played by an actor. The word is derived from Latin, where it originally referred to a theatrical mask: Wiki)

So this is the drama we are playing out and all our secrets are veiled and we won’t let anyone see who we are. The bibles idea of the lion lying down with the lamb is just this …Balance… of the flesh and the spirit. The lion is the flesh that devourers and is unsatisfied and the lamb is the timid spirit that is quiet and lead astray (or free spirited). The idea of Jesus the Christ is the mind that controls our actions. We need to be watchful as the Sheppard of our thoughts and actions. In many culture statues have be made to represent the person that was at one time and glorify them in monuments and this is personification.

In the idea of the Hindu God’s they are there personified to represent the powers that make up life and it cycles as to represent what is really going on . We can see the personification of this thought with the Greek creatures that are half man and half beast and other god’s that made up their culture and we call these myths today. The Greek god “Pan” is a favorite of the illuminati due to it’s a lustful man goat that will eat greedily anything in its path and use music to lure and control its prey. Many associate it for the idea of Satan.

To add to the drama we have set up rules for ourselves and have created that they or from God himself and if we disobey these rules then we must suffer and pay dearly and the idea we are sold on as Hell. At the time of the setting up the rules and laws of God for the Israelites states that Moses and Aaron could go before God and only the high priest could go into the temple. The temple being set up into three areas and the most holy of holies was veiled and nobody could just enter in only the high priest and it was through these priests that the people began to give trust to in the things of God. The power the priest had began to become great and the people of Israel now fell under their rule and listen to them or God would strike them down. As time went on their power became so great that they used this power over the people to get rich and fraud them all in the name of God . Jesus called them thieves and liars in the trickery used over the people and it was all veiled under religion and the fear of God, and the people bought it. The Roman Catholic Church under Constantine and Rome has followed suit with the Israelites ideal to create their empire to worship their pagan Gods under the veil of the name of God and did it all under brute force called the crusades’ and inquisitions’. It was to bring nations,tribes and people under submission to men and not God.

2 Corinthians 3:14 But their minds were blinded: for until this day remained the same veil not taken away in the reading of the old testament; which the veil is done away in Christ. 15 But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the veil is upon their heart. 16 Nevertheless when it shall turn to the Lord, the veil shall be taken away. KJV (I will add the “IT” is says in verse 15 refers to the mind and our thoughts which is the Christ the anointment of man).

1 John 2:27 But you have received the Holy Spirit, and he lives within you, so you don’t need anyone to teach you what is true. For the Spirit teaches you everything you need to know, and what he teaches is true–it is not a lie. So just as he has taught you, remain in fellowship with Christ.
Meditate and seek within you because that is where the true kingdom of God is. Go within behind the veil yourself and seek you and once you do Christ will meet you there. Roman 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

Illusion: noun
1. something that deceives by producing a false or misleading impression of reality. 2. the state or condition of being deceived; misapprehension. 3. an instance of being deceived. 4. Psychology . a perception, as of visual stimuli (optical illusion) that represents what is perceived in a way different from the way it is in reality. 5. a very thin, delicate tulle of silk or nylon having a cobwebbed appearance, for trimmings, veilings, and the like.


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